Aarhus University Seal

Lévy based growth models

by Kristjana Ýr Jónsdóttir, Jürgen Schmiegel and Eva B. Vedel Jensen
Research Reports Number 483 (August 2006)
In the present paper, we give a condensed review for the non-specialist reader of a new modelling framework for spatio-temporal processes, based on Lévy theory. We show the potential of the approach in stochastic geometry and spatial statistics by studying Lévy based growth modelling of planar objects. The growth models considered are spatio-temporal stochastic processes on the circle. As a by-product, new flexible models for space-time covariance functions on the circle are provided. An application of the Lévy based growth models to tumour growth is discussed.
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Published in Bernoulli 14, 62-90 (2008)
This primarily serves as Thiele Research Reports number 14-2006, but was also published in Research Reports