Aarhus Universitets segl

Gaussian Radial Growth

by Kristjana Ýr Jónsdóttir and Eva B. Vedel Jensen
Research Reports Number 443 (August 2004)
The growth of planar and spatial objects is often modelled using one-dimensional size parameters, e.g. volume, area or average radius. We take a more detailed approach and model how the boundary of a growing object expands in time. We mainly consider star-shaped planar objects. The model can be regarded as a dynamic deformable template model. The limiting shape of the object may be circular but this is only one possibility among a range of limiting shapes. An application to tumour growth is presented. Two extensions of the model, involving time series and Lévy bases, respectively, are briefly touched upon.
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Published in Image Anal. Stereol. 24, 117-126 (2005)
This primarily serves as Thiele Research Reports number 5-2004, but was also published in Research Reports