Aarhus University Seal

Cohomology and special metrics in complex geometry

Tenure-track Assistant Professor Alexandra-Iulia Otiman (Institut for Matematik)
Tuesday 16 May 2023 14:15–14:45 Aud. D1 (1531-113)
Inaugural lecture

In complex geometry metrics and cohomology play a central role. Their interplay has been the source of seminal results in Kähler geometry. In the non-Kähler counterpart, special Hermitian metrics have emerged as a powerful tool to understand the analytic and geometric properties of the underlying space. I will describe the interplay between existence of some special metrics on non-Kähler manifolds and their cohomological properties.

After the lecture, the Department will host a small reception in Vandrehallen, building 1530.

Revised: 25.05.2023