Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Differential Geometry
Associate professor
Computer algebra, applied algebraic geometry, computational tropical geometry
Differential geometry, Lie groups; connections to physics and data
Associate professor
Geometric Group Theory: CAT(0) spaces, totally disconnected locally compact groups, unitary representations
Complex Geometry, Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, Geometric PDEs.
Associate professor
Mathematical physics, PDEs, spectral and scattering theory of Schroedinger operators
Dirichlet forms, Differential geometry, Random matrices, Stochastic analysis
Associate professor
Algebraic geometry, Algebraic topology
Associate professor
Homotopy theory, commutative algebra, representation theory
Associate Professor
Inverse problems, computational mathematics, applied analysis, PDEs
Head of Department
Mathematical Physics, Spectral Theory, Renormalization
Associate Professor
Lie groups, representation theory, harmonic analysis
Associate professor
Algebraic geometry, non-commutative algebra, representation theory.
Associate Professor
Harmonic analysis, PDEs, Stochastic analysis
Homotopy theory, K-theory, Differentiable manifolds, Configuration spaces
Associate professor
Algebraic geometry, non-commutative geometry, computational algebra
Villum Investigator, Professor
Analytic number theory, automorphic forms, representation theory, L-functions, microlocal analysis
Algebra, combinatorics
Associate professor
Geometric representation theory, D-modules, derived algebraic geometry, homological and homotopical algebra, DG-categories and algebraic operads.
Number theory, Diophantine approximation, dynamical systems, ergodic theory
Associate professor
homological algebra, finite dimensional algebras, cluster combinatorics
Associate professor
Free probability theory, random matrices, Lévy processes, operator algebras.
Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Complex geometry, Differential geometry, Pluripotential theory, Canonical metrics in Kähler geometry.