Aarhus University Seal

The Mathematics Group

The mathematics group at the Department of Mathematics, Aarhus University, is an active and internationally recognized research unit. We carry out research in a wide selection of areas of mathematics and its applications. This includes:

  • Algebra • Algebraic, complex, symplectic and differential geometry  • Algebraic topology and homological algebra • Computational mathematics • Dynamical systems • Geometric invariant theory • Geometric and algebraic representation theory • Harmonic analysis •  Inverse problems • Number theory • Operator algebras and free probability • Partial differential equations • Spectral theory and mathematical physics.

The mathematics group has active collaborations both nationally and internationally and with many other scientific fields, including Computer Science, Engineering and Physics.

Recent publications


The links take you to the personal homepage in AU's system (pure), where you find publications and contact information.

Permanent Faculty

Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Differential Geometry
Associate professor
Computer algebra, applied algebraic geometry, computational tropical geometry
Andrew Francis Swann
Differential geometry, Lie groups; connections to physics and data
Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru
Associate professor
Geometric Group Theory: CAT(0) spaces, totally disconnected locally compact groups, unitary representations
Cristiano Spotti
Complex Geometry, Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, Geometric PDEs.
Associate professor
Mathematical physics, PDEs, spectral and scattering theory of Schroedinger operators
Fabrice Baudoin
Dirichlet forms, Differential geometry, Random matrices, Stochastic analysis
Gergely Bérczi
Associate professor
Algebraic geometry, Algebraic topology
Greg Stevenson
Associate professor
Homotopy theory, commutative algebra, representation theory
Henrik Garde
Associate Professor
Inverse problems, computational mathematics, applied analysis, PDEs
Jacob Schach Møller
Head of Department
Mathematical Physics, Spectral Theory, Renormalization
Jan Frahm
Associate Professor
Lie groups, representation theory, harmonic analysis
Associate professor
Algebraic geometry, non-commutative algebra, representation theory.
Li Chen
Associate Professor
Harmonic analysis, PDEs, Stochastic analysis
Homotopy theory, K-theory, Differentiable manifolds, Configuration spaces
Niels Lauritzen
Associate professor
Algebraic geometry, non-commutative geometry, computational algebra
Paul David Nelson
Villum Investigator, Professor
Analytic number theory, automorphic forms, representation theory, L-functions, microlocal analysis
Peter Jørgensen
Algebra, combinatorics
Sergey Arkhipov
Associate professor
Geometric representation theory, D-modules, derived algebraic geometry, homological and homotopical algebra, DG-categories and algebraic operads.
Simon Kristensen
Number theory, Diophantine approximation, dynamical systems, ergodic theory
Sira Helena Gratz
Associate professor
homological algebra, finite dimensional algebras, cluster combinatorics
Steen Thorbjørnsen
Associate professor
Free probability theory, random matrices, Lévy processes, operator algebras.
Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt
Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Complex geometry, Differential geometry, Pluripotential theory, Canonical metrics in Kähler geometry.

Temporary Faculty and PhD Students

Anders Sten Kortegård
Algebra, Quivers, Homological Algebra, Category Theory
PhD Student
Complex and algebraic geometry
Blanca Gil Rosell
PhD Student
Analytic number theory, representation theory
Representation theory, homological algebra, derived categories, finite dimensional algebras, and the homological conjectures.
Christian Arends
Harmonic analysis, spectral analysis, representation theory of Lie groups
Cyril Matousek
PhD Student
Homological algebra, triangulated categories, representation theory of quivers and algebras
David Terrence Nkansah
PhD Student
Homological algebra, Representation theory of quivers and finite dimensional algebras, Differentially graded categories.
Davide Morigi
Homological algebra, cluster algebras, quiver mutations
PhD Student
Geometric Group Theory
Felix Minddal
PhD Student
Algebraic Geometry, Enumerative Geometry, The Hilbert Scheme of Points
PhD Student
Maiken Balman Gravgaard
PhD Student
Number theory, Diophantine approximation
Marius Fischer
PhD Student
Automorphic forms
Mathias Løkkegaard Laursen
PhD Student
Number theory, Diophantine approximations
Analysis on fractals and metric measure spaces
Peter Vang Uttenthal
Representation theory and harmonic analysis on reductive groups over local and global fields
Sumit Kumar
Analytic number theory, Analytic aspect of automorphic L-functions, Delta methods, Moment method, Orbit method.
PhD Student
Stochastic analysis on Riemannian manifolds, Convexity on Riemannian manifolds

Emeriti and Honorary Staff

Emeritus accociate professor
category theory, differential geometry
Emeritus associate professor
Bent Ørsted
Emeritus professor
Harmonic analysis, representation theory, differential geometry, global analysis
Emeritus associate professor
number theory, mathematical physics
Henrik Stetkær
Emeritus associate professor
Harmonic analysis, functional equations
Emeritus professor
Lie theory, algebraic groups, representation theory
Emeritus associate professor
Emeritus professor
operator algebras, dynamical systems, K-theory
Michael Steenstrup Vogelius
Honorary professor
Mathematical analysis, partial differential equations, numerical analysis