Aarhus University Seal

The Stochastics Group

The stochastics group at the department comprises researchers active in the fields of

  • probability, statistics, data science, optimization, and operations research.

The group is responsible for the study programs in

  • statistics, data science and mathematics-economics

and was recently extended with the Applied Statistics Laboratory, which provides statistical support and consultancy to other departments at Aarhus University.

There is a strong tradition in the group for interdisciplinary research as well as for national and international collaborations. To see the breadth of research interests consult the business cards below.

Coming activities

Christophe Biscio (Aalborg University)
Friday 24 January 2025 13:15–14:00 Aud. D4 (1531-219)
Stochastics Seminar (Stochastics Group)
Monday 17 February 2025 14:15–15:00 iNANO Auditorium (1593-012)
Seminar (Quantum Campus Aarhus)
Monday 17 March 2025 14:15–15:00 iNANO Auditorium (1593-012)
Seminar (Quantum Campus Aarhus)
Monday 19 May 2025 14:15–15:00 iNANO Auditorium (1593-012)
Seminar (Quantum Campus Aarhus)
Monday 16 June 2025 14:15–15:00 iNANO Auditorium (1593-012)
Seminar (Quantum Campus Aarhus)


The links take you to the personal homepage in AU's system (pure), where you find publications and contact information.

Permanent Faculty

Andreas Basse-O'Connor
Probability theory and stochastic processes
Associate professor
Operations research, optimization, logistics
Asger Hobolth
Machine learning, statistical learning, statistical methods in molecular biology, stochastic processes.
Christian Pascal Hirsch
Associate professor
Topological data analysis, large deviations theory, spatial random networks, stochastic geometry, spatial statistics
Associate professor (on leave)
Nonparametric statistics, stochastic processes, statistical learning
Fabrice Baudoin
Dirichlet forms, Differential geometry, Random matrices, Stochastic analysis
Associate professor
Probability theory, stochastic processes, asymptotic theory
Jens Ledet Jensen
Statistics, asymptotic theory, inference for high dimensional data
Jevgenijs Ivanovs
Associate professor (on leave)
Applied probability, stochastic processes, extremes, distributional robustness, simulation, high-frequency statistics
Julie Thøgersen
Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Insurance mathematics, applied probability
Associate professor
Mathematical optimization
Lars Nørvang Andersen
Associate professor
Statistics, Statistical Learning / Machine Learning, Deep learning for medical images, Monte Carlo Simulation, Bioinformatics
Li Chen
Associate Professor
Harmonic analysis, PDEs, Stochastic analysis
Markus Kiderlen
Associate professor
Stochastic geometry, convex geometry, geometric tomography, spatial statistics
Tenure Track Assistant Professor
high-dimensional statistics, random matrix theory
Rodrigo Labouriau
Associate professor, head of the Applied Statistics Laboratory (aStatLab)
Applied statistics
Steen Thorbjørnsen
Associate professor
Free probability theory, random matrices, Lévy processes, operator algebras.
Tim Kutta
Tenure Track Assistant Professor
time series analysis, functional data, change point detection
Ute Hahn
Associate professor
Statistics – stochastic geometry, stereology, computational and nonparametric statistics, multiple testing

Temporary Faculty and PhD Students

Anton Tiepner
Statistics for Stochastic Processes, SPDEs, Nonparametric Statistics
PhD Student
Probability theory, stochastic processes
David Kramer-Bang
Probability theory, Stochastic processes, Malliavin calculus, convex hulls, rate of convergence.
PhD Student
Statistical methods in population genetics
PhD Student
Stochastic Geometry
Lasse Thorup Hansen
PhD Student
Statistical learning
PhD Student
Probability Theory
Guest PhD
Marta Pelizzola
statistical methods in population genetics and cancer genomics
Analysis on fractals and metric measure spaces
PhD Student
Probability theory
Nikolaj Nyvold Lundbye
PhD Student
Topological Data Analysis, Probability Theory
Péter Juhász
PhD Student
topological data analysis, higher-order networks
PhD Student
Stochastic analysis on Riemannian manifolds, Convexity on Riemannian manifolds
Tobias Lindhardt Overgaard
PhD Student
Probability theory, random graphs
PhD Student

Emeriti and Honorary Staff

Eva B. Vedel Jensen
Emerita professor
Statistics – stochastic geometry, stereology, spatial statistics
Mark Podolskij
Honorary professor
Probability theory, statistics
Preben Blæsild
Emeritus associate professor
Søren Asmussen
Emeritus professor
Probability theory, theoretical statistics
Søren Glud Johansen
Emeritus associate professor
Operations research, inventory control, Markov decision processes, simulation, cost accounting