Consider A(x)=∑n≤Xa(n)andA(s)=∞∑n=1a(n)ns, a degree d L-function (in the Selberg class). Friedlander-Iwaniec ( have showed that A(X)=R(X)+Δ(X), where R(X)=X Ress=1A(s)sandΔ(X)=O(Xd−1d+1+ϵ).
We will focus mainly on the condition when a(n)=λf(n)λg(n) where λf(n) and λg(n) are normalized Fourier coefficients of Hecke cusp forms (Maass orholomorphic). For this case we have A(X)=CfIf=¯gX+O(X3/5+ϵ), where for f=¯g, we have Cf=L(1,sym2f)ζ(2) and I is the indicator function. Huang (Math. Ann. considered the problem only when f=¯g and showed that Δ(X)=O(X3/5−1/560+ϵ)
In an upcoming work, with Kummari Mallesham, Ritabrata Munshi and Saurabh Kumar Singh, we will address this problem when f≠¯g.