Aarhus University Seal

Modelling aggregation on the large scale and regularity on the small scale in spatial point pattern datasets

by Fréedéeric Lavancier and Jesper Møller
CSGB Research Reports Number 7 (May 2015)

We consider a dependent thinning of a regular point process with the aim of obtaining aggregation on the large scale and regularity on the small scale in the resulting target point process of retained points. Various parametric models for the underlying processes are suggested and the properties of the target point process are studied. Simulation and inference procedures are discussed when a realization of the target point process is observed, depending on whether the thinned points are observed or not. The paper extends previous work by Dietrich Stoyan on interrupted point processes.

Keywords: Boolean model, chi-square process, dependent thinning, determinantal point process, interrupted point process, pair correlation function.

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