Aarhus University Seal

Spatial mixture modelling of fMRI data

by N. Væver Hartvig and J. Ledet Jensen
Research Reports Number 414 (April 2000)
Recently Everitt and Bullmore (1999) proposed a mixture model for a test statistic for activation in fMRI data. The distribution of the statistic was divided into two components; one for non-activated voxels and one for activated voxels. In this framework one can calculate a posterior probability for a voxel being activated, which provides a more natural basis for thresholding the statistic image, than that based on $p$-values. In this article, we extend the method of Everitt and Bullmore to account for spatial coherency of activated regions. We achieve this by formulating a model for the activation in a small region of voxels, and use this spatial structure when calculating the posterior probability of a voxel being activated. We have investigated several choices of spatial models, but find that they all work equally well for brain imaging data. We applied the model to synthetic data from statistical image analysis, a synthetic fMRI data set and to visual stimulation data. Our conclusion is that the method improves the estimation of the activation pattern significantly, compared to the non-spatial model and to smoothing the data with a kernel of FWHM 3 voxels. The difference between FWHM 2 smoothing and our method were more modest.
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To appear in Human Brain Mapping