Aarhus University Seal

Statistics for Locally Scaled Point Processes

by Michaela Prokešaová, Ute Hahn and Eva B. Vedel Jensen
Research Reports Number 444 (August 2004)
Recently, locally scaled point processes have been proposed as a new class of models for inhomogeneous spatial point processes. They are obtained as modifications of homogeneous template point processes and have the property that regions with different intensity differ only by a location dependent scale factor. The main emphasis of the present paper is on analysis of such models. Statistical methods are developed for estimation of scaling function and template parameters as well as for model validation. The proposed methods are assessed by simulation and used in the analysis of a vegetation pattern.
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Published in Case Studies in Spatial Point Processes Modelling (eds. A. Baddely, P. Gregori, J. Mateu, R. Stoica and D. Stoyan), Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics 185, pages 99-123. Springer-Verlag, New York (2005)
This primarily serves as Thiele Research Reports number 6-2004, but was also published in Research Reports