Aarhus University Seal

Bayesian analysis of spatial point processes in the neighbourhood of Voronoi networks

by Øivind Skare, Jesper Møller and Eva B. Vedel Jensen
Thiele Research Reports Number 2 (January 2006)
A model for an inhomogeneous Poisson process with high intensity near the edges of a Voronoi tessellation in 2D or 3D is proposed. The model is analysed in a Bayesian setting with priors on nuclei of the Voronoi tessellation and other model parameters. An MCMC algorithm is constructed to sample from the posterior, which contains information about the unobserved Voronoi tessellation and the model parameters. A major element of the MCMC algorithm is the reconstruction of the Voronoi tessellation after a proposed local change of the tessellation. A simulation study and examples of applications from biology (animal territories) and material science (alumina grain structure) are presented.
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Published in Statistics and Computing 17, 369-379 (2007)
This publication also serves as Research Reports number 470