Aarhus University Seal

Christian Fischer Pedersen


Associate Professor, PhD

Primary affiliation

Christian Fischer Pedersen

Areas of expertise

  • Signal processing
  • Machine learning
  • Distributed systems

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


Christian received a MSc degree (Electrical and Computer Eng.), a MSc degree (Maths/Computer Sci.) and a PhD degree (Signal Processing) from AAU. Now, he chairs the Signal Processing and Distributed Computing Group at Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng., AU. He has been a visiting scholar at: i) Aalto U. Helsinki, ii) Imperial Coll. London and iii) U. of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Research interests include signal processing, machine learning and distributed computing with application to health care.


- Signal processing
- Machine learning
- Distributed systems
Application area:
- Health care

Teaching activities

- Explainable Statistical Learning
- Distributed Systems
- BSc, MSc, PhD, Postdoc and Research Assistant levels
External examiner:
- BSc, MSc and PhD levels

Job responsibilities

Academic service:
- Chair, Signal Processing and Distributed Computing Group
- Union representative, IDA
- Vice chair, Local Liaison Committee
- Member, Faculty Liaison Committee
- Member, PhD Committee
- Member, Education Committee, Computer Eng.
- Member, Education Committee, Data Science
- Member, Student Recruitment Committee
- Vice chair, Ntl. Team of External Engineering Examiners (BSc/MSc)
Academic service (ad-hoc):
- Member/chair, Assessment Committees
- Editorial work and conference co-organization

Selected publications

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