Aarhus University Seal

On some algebraic aspects of canonical Kähler metrics

Lukas Bjarke Engberg
Friday 7 October 2022 15:00–17:00 Aud. G2 (1532-122)
PhD defence

Assessment committee:

  • Associate Professor Julius Ross, Department of Mathematics, Statistic and Computer Science, University of Illinois Chicago, USA
  • Senior Researcher Henri Guenancia, Institut de Mathématique de Tolouse, Université Paul Sabatier, France
  • Professor Peter Jørgensen (chair), Department of Mathematics, AU

Main supervisor: Associate professor Cristiano Spotti, Department of Mathematics, AU

Co-supervior: PhD Lars Martin Sektnan, Department of Mathematics, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden

Language: The PhD dissertation will be defended in English


Contact: Randi Mosegaard Revised: 25.05.2023