Aarhus University Seal

Conformal novelty detection for replicate point patterns with FDR or FWER control

Christophe Biscio (Aalborg University)
Friday 24 January 2025 13:15–14:00 Aud. D4 (1531-219)
Stochastics Seminar

Monte Carlo tests are popular for their convenience, as they allow the computation of valid p-values even when test statistics with known and tractable distributions are unavailable. When performing multiple Monte Carlo tests, it is essential to adjust the testing procedure to maintain control of the type I error, and some of such techniques pose requirements on the joint distribution of the p-values, for instance independence. A straightforward approach to get independent p-values is to compute the p-values for each hypothesis in parallel. However, this imposes a substantial computational burden. We highlight in this work that the problem of testing multiple data samples against the same null hypothesis is an instance of conformal outlier detection. Leveraging this insight enables a more efficient multiple Monte Carlo testing procedure, avoiding excessive simulations while ensuring exact control over the false discovery rate. Through numerical experiments on point patterns, we investigate the performance of this proposed conformal multiple Monte Carlo testing procedure.

Joint work with: Adrien Mazoyer (University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France) and Martin V. Vejling (Aalborg University)

Organised by: Stochastics Group
Contact: Christian Hirsch Revised: 06.01.2025