Aarhus University Seal


  • The semi-classical limit of large fermionic systems. / Fournais, Søren; Lewin, Mathieu; Solovej, Jan Philip. In: Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 57, No. 4, 105, 01.08.2018.
  • Spectral Gaps of Dirac Operators Describing Graphene Quantum Dots. / Benguria, Rafael D.; Fournais, Søren; Stockmeyer, Edgardo; Van Den Bosch, Hanne. In: Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 20, No. 2, 11, 01.06.2017.
  • Existence of surface smectic states of liquid crystals. / Fournais, Søren; Kachmar, Ayman; Pan, Xing Bin. In: Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 274, No. 3, 01.02.2018, p. 900-958.
  • S. Fournais, J. Lampart, M. Lewin, T. Østergaard Sørensen. Coulomb potentials and Taylor expansions in Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory. Physical Review A, American Physical Society, 2016, 93 (6). ArXiv 1603.02219
  • Semiclassical Sobolev constants for the electro-magnetic Robin Laplacian. / Fournais, Søren; Raymond, N.T.; Le Treust, Loïc; van Schaftingen, Jean. In: Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Vol. 69, No. 4, 2017, p. 1667-1714.
  • G. A. Bley, Absence of Binding in the Nelson Model. ArXiv 1610.09700
  • G. A. Bley, A Lower Bound on the Renormalized Nelson Model. ArXiv 1609.08590
  • Self-Adjointness of Two-Dimensional Dirac Operators on Domains. / Benguria, Rafael D.; Fournais, Søren; Stockmeyer, Edgardo; Van Den Bosch, Hanne. In: Annales Henri Poincare, Vol. 18, No. 4, 01.04.2017, p. 1371-1383.
  • Hardy–Lieb–Thirring Inequalities for Fractional Pauli Operators. / Bley, Gonzalo A.; Fournais, Søren. In: Communications in Mathematical Physics, 01.01.2018.