Aarhus University Seal

Rune Nyrup new Associate Professor at Center for Science Studies

The Centre for Science Studies is delighted to welcome our newest staff member, Rune Nyrup. Rune will start as an Associate Professor in the autumn of 2023.

Rune Nyrup completed a MA in Philosophy at the University of Copenhagen in 2013, as well as a MPhil degree in the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Cambridge. He then completed a PhD at Durham University in the UK in 2017, with a thesis on “Hypothesis Generation and Pursuit in Scientific Reasoning”. Since 2017, Rune has been a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, and an affiliate of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Rune Nyrup has already published some influential papers on AI (Artificial Intelligence) Ethics, and public health and risk communication in medicine. He has a strong track record of collaborating with other researchers across a range of fields.

Rune Nyrup's principal teaching duties will be spearheading the teaching of the Philosophy of Science and Ethics course for Data Science, Computer Science, and IT Product Development students. He will also contribute to the MA programme in Science Studies. As an employee, Rune Nyrup will contribute with his expertise and extensive experience. Finally, more personally, we welcome Rune back to Denmark.