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This Element illustrates what it means to work in the field of philosophy of mathematical practice, treating in particular the topics of structuralism…
We are pleased to welcome Corina-Gabriela Ciobotaru, starting on December 1, 2024, and Li Chen, starting on January 1, 2025, as new associate…
Li and Fabrice's project, “Parabolic Anderson Models on Fractals”, as well as Greg's project, “New Frontiers in Condensed Mathematics”, stand out for…
Christian, Associate Professor at The Department of Mathematics and Brigitte, Professor at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNano) are…
We warmly welcome Nina Dörnemann and Tim Kutta as newly appointed tenure-track assistant professors at the Department of Mathematics, Aarhus…
2024 marks the summer where the first students in Data Science will graduate with their master’s degree from Aarhus University.
Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen (1935–2022) made vast contributions in several scientific fields, including statistics, probability theory, econometrics and…
In recognition of his groundbreaking contributions to the analytic theory of automorphic forms Paul Nelson receives a Clay Research Award.
From 2025, the new degree in Data Science will attract international students to the Department of Mathematics and help fill the significant need the…
In the 3 Minute Thesis Competition (3MT), PhD students present their research project in only three minutes with just one static slide for an audience…
Zakarias Sjöström Dyrefelt is awarded a Villum Young Investigator grant to pioneer new ways to test solvability of geometric partial differential…
The Department of Mathematics is pleased to announce the appointment of Fabrice Baudoin as professor in Mathematics, commencing from January 1, 2024.
Henrik Garde, Alexandra-Iulia Otiman, and Rune Nyrup each receive a research leader grant from the Danish Independent Research Fund (DFF).
Congratulations to Gergely Bérczi for publishing two papers in the prestigious Inventiones Mathematicae.
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