Aarhus University Seal

Cristiano Spotti appointed as professor in Mathematics from 1 July 2023

We are happy to announce that the department of Mathematics has appointed Cristiano Spotti as professor in Mathematics from 1 July 2023.

Cristiano Spotti specializes in differential geometry, specifically in the field of Kähler geometry. Kähler manifolds are characterized by possessing both a Riemannian structure and a subtly compatible complex structure. This area of research is highly active and involves techniques from both algebraic geometry and differential geometry. There are even connections to the equations of general relativity, particularly through the study of Kähler-Einstein manifolds, which happens to be one of Cristiano Spotti's primary interests.

There exists a wide variety of examples of Kähler manifolds, prompting the question of classifying them into families that exhibit similar characteristics. Each family corresponds to a point in a moduli space. It is important also to consider spaces that are not strictly Kähler manifolds but can be approximated by them. Cristiano Spotti has made significant contributions to the study of moduli spaces and of such singular manifolds, earning international recognition.

Cristiano Spotti obtained his master's degree from the University of Parma in 2008 and completed his PhD at Imperial College London in 2012 under the guidance of Fields medalist Simon Donaldson. Following postdoctoral positions at top institutions in Paris and a research associate position in Cambridge, he joined the University of Aarhus as an associate professor in 2016.

Congratulations with the promotion, Cristiano!