Aarhus University Seal

Inverse problems at the Department of Mathematics

At the Department of Mathematics, we are upgrading within applied mathematical analysis

On 1 August 2023, Michael Vogelius from Rutgers University, USA, joined as honorary professor in applied analysis, and on 1 September 2023, Henrik Garde will complete his tenure-track period and start in a position as associate professor at the Department of Mathematics.

Michael Vogelius is one of the world's leading experts in the area of Inverse Problems. Michael originally got his Master's degree in mathematics from Aarhus University, but has subsequently had his professional work in the USA. He earned his PhD degree from the University of Maryland in 1980 and has held positions at the Courant Institute and the University of Maryland before ending up in his current position at Rutgers in 1989.

Michael Vogelius has contributed to the development of mathematical methods behind non-destructive crack detection and bioimaging through an improvement of a back-propagation algorithm used in Electrical Impedance Imaging and what is now called the Kohn-Vogelius formalism. The Kohn-Vogelius formalism has many applications, e.g. within Bioluminescence Tomography and Diffuse Optical Tomography.

Henrik Garde is also active within Inverse Problems, and actually spent the spring semester 2023 at Rutgers, where he worked with Michael Vogelius; a collaboration that resulted in the article "Reconstruction of Cracks in Calderon's Inverse Conductivity Problem using Energy Comparisons" (arXiv:2305.06870).

Henrik Garde earned his PhD degree from DTU in 2016, and has held positions at DTU and Aalborg University before he came to Aarhus in 2020. In addition, he has had a number of long stays as visiting professor at Aalto University, where he collaborates with Prof. Nuutti Hyvönen. Henrik is part of the interdisciplinary AU center DIGIT and this autumn Henrik is a co-teacher on the Calculus courses, as well as responsible for the course Linear Transformations.