Aarhus Universitets segl

Irreducible tensor products of representations of symmetric and related groups

Lucia Morotti (Leibniz University Hannover)
Mandag 17. maj 2021 13:00–14:00 Zoom
Mathematics seminar

Let $V$ and $W$ be two irreducible representations of a group $G$. If $V$ or $W$ is 1-dimensional then the tensor product representation $V\otimes W$ is always irreducible. On the other hand, if neither $V$ nor $W$ is 1-dimensional, then there are still cases where $V\otimes W$ is irreducible but in general $V\otimes W$ is not irreducible.

In this talk I will present a classification of irreducible tensor products of representations of symmetric and alternating groups and their double covers and show applications to the classification of maximal subgroups of finite groups.

Contact Marcel Bökstedt marcel@math.au.dk, for Zoom details.

Kontakt: Marcel Bökstedt Revideret: 25.05.2023