Aarhus Universitets segl

Celebrating three new Villum Investigators

Daan van Aalten (MBG, AU), Paul Nelson (MATH, AU) and Niklas Ekmqvist (CS, AU)
Torsdag 23. november 2023 14:00 5335-016 (Peter Bøgh Aud., CS)

On 23 November 2023, Aarhus University invites you to celebrate our three new VILLUM Investigators who in total have received DKK 104 million from VILLUM FONDEN.

Congratulations to:

The ceremony takes place at 5335-016 Peter Bøgh Auditorium, Department of Computer Science, Finlandsgade 21, 8200 Aarhus N. The ceremony is followed by a reception.

Registration required

Please register for the event at https://events.au.dk/reception-villuminvestigator2023/signup no later than 13 November 2023.


  • 14:00 – Snacks and bubbles
  • 14:15 - Welcome by Acting Dean Erik Østergaard Jensen
  • 14:25 - Speech Thomas Bjørnholm, Executive Chief Scientific Officer, VILLUM FONDEN
  • 14:35 - Short presentations by the three Villum Investigators
  • 15:05 - Reception outside the Peter Bøgh Auditorium accompanied by jazz music
Revideret: 07.11.2023