Aarhus Universitets segl

Point processes on directed linear network

by Jakob G. Rasmussen and Heidi S. Christensen
CSGB Research Reports Number 11 (December 2018)

In this paper we consider point processes specified on directed linear networks, i.e. linear networks with associated directions. We adapt the so-called conditional intensity function used for specifying point processes on the time line to the setting of directed linear networks. For models specified by such a conditional intensity function, we derive an explicit expression for the likelihood function, specify two simulation algorithms (the inverse method and Ogata's modified thinning algorithm), and consider methods for model checking through the use of residuals. We also extend the results and methods to the case of a marked point process on a directed linear network. Furthermore, we consider specific classes of point process models on directed linear networks (Poisson processes, Hawkes processes, non-linear Hawkes processes, self-correcting processes, and marked Hawkes processes), all adapted from well-known models in the temporal setting. Finally, we apply the results and methods to analyse simulated and neurological data.

Keywords: Conditional intensity, dendrite network, Hawkes process, self-correcting process

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