Asymptotic Behavior of Total Times For Jobs That Must Start Over If a Failure Occurs
by Søren Asmussen, Pierre Fiorini, Lester Lipsky, Tomasz Rolski and Robert Sheahan
Research Reports
Number 496 (June 2007)
Many processes must complete in the presence of failures. Different systems respond to task failure in different ways. The system may resume a failed task from the failure point (or a saved checkpoint shortly before the failure point), it may give up on the task and select a replacement task from the ready queue, or it may restart the task. The behavior of systems under the first two scenarios is well documented, but the third (RESTART) has resisted detailed analysis. In this paper we derive tight asymptotic relations between the distribution of task times without failures to the total time when including failures, for any failure distribution. In particular, we show that if the task time distribution has an unbounded support then the total time distribution H is always heavy-tailed. Asymptotic expressions are given for the tail of H in various scenarios. The key ingredients of the analysis are the Cramér--Lundberg asymptotics for geometric sums and integral asymptotics, that in some cases are obtained via Tauberian theorems and in some cases by bare-hand calculations.
This primarily serves as Thiele Research Reports number 9-2007, but was also published in Research Reports