Aarhus Universitets segl

On spatio-temporal Lévy based Cox processes

by Michaela Prokesová, Gunnar Hellmund and Eva Vedel Jensen
Research Reports Number 475 (April 2006)
The paper discusses a new class of models for spatio-temporal Cox point processes. In these models, the driving field is defined by means of an integral of a weight function with respect to a Lévy basis. The relations to other Cox process models studied previously are discussed and formulas for the 1st and 2nd order characteristics are derived.
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Published in Proceedings S4G, International Conference on Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry, Union Czech Mathematicians and Physicists, pages 111-116 (2006)
This primarily serves as Thiele Research Reports number 6-2006, but was also published in Research Reports