Poulsen, S. H., Maindal, N., Kragh, G., Kirk, U. B., Oddershede, K., Sejerkilde, M., Pedersen, S. B., Haghju, M., Sinclair, E., Harrits, A.
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Co-creating science communication and research with young people about their mental health during the covid-19 crisis. Poster session præsenteret på Engaging Citizen Science, Aarhus, Danmark.
Poulsen, S. H., Maindal, N., Kragh, G., Kirk, U. B., Oddershede, K., Sejerkilde, M., Pedersen, S. B., Haghju, M., Sinclair, E., Harrits, A.
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Co-creating science communication and research with young people about their mental health during the covid-19 crisis. Poster session præsenteret på ECREA, Aarhus, Danmark.
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Complementary resource use in intercropped faba bean and cabbage by increased root growth and nitrogen use in organic production.
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Okholm, A., Greve, C., Mohaupt, L. A., Kaarsted, T.
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Engaging children and young people in lake ecology through activities in their spare time. Poster session præsenteret på C*Sci2022.
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Egemose, S., Greve, C., Okholm, A., Melgaard, A.
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Experiences from a Citizen Science project engaging children and young people in lake ecology through activities in their spare time. Lakes in spare time. Poster session præsenteret på ECSA Conference 2022: Citizen Science for Planetary Health, Berlin, Tyskland.
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Exploring public trust and mistrust relating to the MMR vaccine in Danish newspapers using computational analysis and framing analysis. Abstract fra Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), Uppsala, Sverige.
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Wehn, U. (red.), Hepburn, L. (red.), Hsing, P.-Y., Ajates, R.
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Guidance for the implementation of the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation re. "Opening science to society" (FINAL).
Poulsen, S. H., Maindal, N., Kragh, G., Oddershede, K., Sejerkilde, M., Breiner Pedersen, S., Haghju, M., Sinclair, E., Harrits, A.
, Kirk, U. B., Sherson, J. & Obel, C. (2022).
How to engage young people in mental health research?. Poster session præsenteret på ECSA Conference 2022: Citizen Science for Planetary Health, Berlin, Tyskland.